Not reading does not excempt you from the rules. These are pretty strict just cause I keep needing to deal with these all the time, so please do not do these things.Read Design TOS for design rules
Read Offering TOS prior to offering
Review BlackList prior to transferring

Adopt TOS applies to my designs only and to my commissions only!

Adopt Rules:
1. Do not sell above the price you got it for, unless additional art is added. You may sell for any price equivalent or lower to the original price you got the adoptable for.
2. You may change the design however you like, but do not claim it as your own. Do not add yourself as a designer! Please do still keep it recognizable.
3. Please do not edit my art that comes with the adopt (edit, trace or re-color original artwork), or at least ask me if I can edit it for you! If I can't, just ask me what you need edited and I might give a green light. Adding background to a transparent image is OK.
4. Before selling the character offsite, let me know. I'll provide a code to the buyer or transfer the adopt back to me until they get one.
5. DO NOT delete my designs off ToyHouse as it's hard to find them again.
5. Cannot be used for commercial use. You may use the design to make fursuits, plushies, etc for PERSONAL USE ONLY.
6. In case of a chargeback (money wise), design will be revoked and re-listed again!
7. You must ask me before changing an oc into a closed/open species.
8. If you get a custom Pokemon design, please do not separate evolution from original.
9. DO NOT use my designs for anything hateful!
10. Co-Owning is NOT allowed. Ever.
11. You CANNOT apply your own TOS or blacklist to my adopts! You can chose not to sell it to someone but you cannot blacklist them from the adopt in the future!
12. DO NOT categorize or call any of my designs "HQ, MQ, LQ" or any quality. It's kinda rude imo. You don't decide what quality it is and don't get one if you will do that in the first place. You will receive a warning.
13. I ask for you to not give my designs to any "design shelters" and instead send them back to me.
=>Sending them to those is AGAINST TOS !!!
Transfer rules (sale, trade, gift):Bought character (USD, Pts, Voucher)
Can be traded, can be sold and can be gifted or sent back.
Traded character (Art, Trade, Ac)
Cannot be sold unless you've added two or more artworks [You will be confronted if you will sale a traded OC with no additional art] Can be traded, can be gifted or sent back.
Freebie character (Free, Raffle, WTA)
Can NEVER be sold regardless of how much art was added. Cannot be traded unless you've added two or more artworks. Can be gifted or sent back.
Freebies have a 2 month cooldown from the date received => You are not allowed to trade it (in the case you added art) before this cooldown ends. You're still allowed to regift it anytime tho!
TOS violation will lead to my BlackList

Applies to all designs I have for offer.

Payment info:
1. Full payment upfront before I transfer the character!
I accept: DA points, Steam gift cards, Paypal vouchers and nomal Payment.
I don't accept: CashApp, Zelle, Stripe, Wase, etc.
2. Paypal payments will mostly be looked at as vouchers for commissions or characters.
3. Payment always comes first! The character will be given only after payment is full finish, whether it is art, trade, voucher or USD/Pts.
4. Payments bellow 5$ are only accepted as points (500) or Steam GC.
5. I will wait up to a week for payment, after that it is considered ghosting.
6. Please make sure you ACTUALLY have the funds to pay before asking to buy. Not having funds does not exempt you from being considered as a bailer.

Art/Trade Payment:
1. Please read the character description to see if I accept art for them.
2. All art needs to be done within a month. Extensions are OK as long as you let me know.
3. I will ask for an update once a week, after two weeks I must see a visual update, if after three weeks I see no progress, the adopt goes back up for offer (Considered bailing).
4. Art must be sent fully before I send the adopt.
5. Art must be atleast flat colored. I do not accept uncolored sketches nor traditional art (Ask about mailed art, ask about monochrome).
6. Backing out after a week or two is ok, I understand life is hard sometimes, please let me know at the moment and not when I ask for an update, don't make me wait...
7. I accept art per characters and not characters per art. Amount of art will not be lower than amount of adopts. (Basically if you want X amount of characters, art amount will be X number or above, not lower)

Things to note when offering:
1. Please don't just write "I can offer characters" or "I can offer art". Specify what you are offering with examples, amount / offlimits. I delete/ignore comments like those.
2. DO NOT ASK ME TO OFFER FOR YOU! This never ends fairly.
3. DO NOT offer art on one adopt only to retract your offer to do it on another adopt, this is just disrespectful.
4. DO NOT offer you WHOLE Toyhouse if you're not willing to trade half of them.
5. I don't accept amino coins(have too much), moodboards by themselves(these are just googled images) or characters that are uncredited/have uncredited art/don't come with character rights.
6. I will only do hold for one, max two characters at a time. I accept offers per character, not per group of characters. Please make separate offers for individual characters.
7. Please don't offer if you don't want a reply back on your offer. I will reply back to ask you to not offer again because it's super annoying since it's impossible to stop you without communication (which seems obvious but some people are not smart, sorry)

Results in Blacklisting:
1. Backing out after a week or two is ok, I understand life is hard sometimes, please let me know at that moment. HOWEVER, backing out straight after I ask for an update since I see you're not active is NOT OK.
2. Getting no answer from you within a week about your offer while you're actively online. (AKA: Comments, Art, New characters, ETC...)
3. Bailing on purchase result in a block, don't offer to just say "I don't want it anymore" or "I can't do it" or the worst one "I decided it's not worth it".
4. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, Don't lead me on with fake promises. If you KNOW you're busy or can't finish it DON'T wait till I ask for an update and INSTEAD tell me as soon as possible.
5. Making me chase you for an update for weeks on end. This is so tiring, nerve wrecking and annoying.
6. Not paying your offer after a week is considered bailing, don't try to guilt trip me, I don't care.
*If you've completed (fully completed) part of your offer you will receive a warning, a second offense is a blacklist.

Please understand that when it's pending for you, I'm not accepting offers on it. If you can't do it PLEASE come to me and tell me, I will not be mad and you will be let go scot free, HOWEVER, if you decide to wait until I ask you for an update, making me waste time, I will add you to the blacklist for bailing and canceling. Do not waste my time. I'm done tolorating this behaviour.TLDR: Don't bail for no reason, don't bail after being asked for an update, don't make me chase you. Be a good person and notify me at the soonest, same as I wouldn't sell an adopt when you're offering, you shouldn't make me chase you for an update instead of updating me yourself.Other notes:
1. Picky with trades.
2. Love pastel and rainbow themed adopts.
All of there were written as a result of previous questions and occurrences, and will be updated as they happen. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to let me know :D

Applies to my designs only and to my commissions only!

Please do not harass anyone here.
Selling a design to someone on the blacklist will add you to it.
Getting art from me for someone on the blacklist will add you to it.
These are their usernames on ToyHouse or Twitter.
They may only give designs they currently own by me for free only. I will not revoke ownership to current owners.
Don't ask why you're on here, I'm not interested in talking to you. Leave me alone, you make me uncomfortable.
If you're asking on behalf of yourself why someone is here, please read their reasons and the category they are in before contacting me. (I prefer to not discuss reason further than what is written).

Bail on payment

This column is basically people that ghosted me or cancelled straight after I ask for an update.
My offering TOS is linked in EVERY post.

Money / Points Bail

1. lxxangelxxl [Permanent]
Reason: Backed out several times after offering to pay or agreeing to pay.

2. BlackPhoenix613 [Permanent]
Reason: Bailed on purchace.

3. Bat_Teeth [Permanent]
Reason: Ghosted me when asked to pay.

4. KingsleyQuinn / KingsleyQuinn (Underscore "username" Underscore) [Permanent]
Reason: Offered and immediately deleted their offer after being asked to pay.

5. Moonwatcher [Permanent]
Reason: Accepted an offer, they ghosted me.

6. Angry-Frogs / Ace of Flight [Permanent]
Reason: Bailed on payment.

7. 707-Or-Seven [Permanent]
Reason: Fake promised payment, keeps avoiding me when asked, rude.

8. Shepinois [Permanent]
Reason: Promised to pay multiple times then ghosted me.

9. Pumpkinn [Permanent]
Reason: Payment bail, general DNI with this person.

10. Midnightstar579 / ChocolateStraws [Permanent]
Reason: Payment bail, offered to pay, multiple times on multiple characters than claimed they didn't have the funds.

11. rainydaylad [Permanent]
Reason: Ghosted me after asking to pay.

12. Dakotathefloof_ [Permanent]
Reason: Waited multiple weeks for an answer regarding the payment, tried to reach out multiple times. I thought they might not have checked TH for a while but they were recently online multiple times.

Art / Trade Bail

1. -Bubs- [Permanent]
Reason: Ghosted me.

2. RubyRules [Permanent]
Reason: Never finished their art and blocked after being asked about it. Scummy and fishy person.

3. Eak_Fluffy [Permanent]
Reason:, Backed out several times after agreeing to do art. Blocked me after asking for an update.

4. ShindaSuzume [Permanent]
Reason: They ghosted me after offering art. Unless they re-make the art I will keep them banned.

5. X123Monster [Permanent]
Reason: They kept offering on my adopts but ghosting or declining each and every time I look through their folders THEY OFFERED. It's really annoying to the point I need to deleted their comments because there are plenty.

6. GREASEBALL [Permanent]
Reason: Offered on my adopt, did not respond after multiple attempts to contact {ghosted}.

7. alleywaywolf [Permanent]
Reason: Canceled when I asked for an update.

8. chosenriot [Permanent]
Reason: Canceled when I asked for an update.

9. brosha#6969 [Permanent]
Reason: Canceled when I asked for an update.

10. M_A [Permanent]
Reason: Broke offering TOS then pulled out their offer when confronted.

11. Deoxyribonuclene/ diemart [Permanent]
Reason: Bailed on purchase and tried to offer on multiple characters while avoiding finishing anything.

12. HiPoky / Balli002 [Permanent]
Reason: Promised updates for three weeks and dropped when asked for an update after chasing them for something visual.

13. Patchzefox [Permanent]
Reason: Lead me on with updates only to cancel after a month.

14. Miao [Permanent]
Reason: Ghosted me for a month and a half and ignored all my contacts.

15. goreyote [Permanent]
Reason: Ghosted me after multiple contact attempts both on TH and Discord.

16. NG09 [Permanent]
Reason: Promised an update then canceled when I asked for it.

17. CaeBabyBear [Permanent]
Reason: Promised update then ghosted me while being actively online.

18. VanAlberVan [Permanent]
Reason: Promised updates then backed out when ask to show.

19. .robbin. via Discord [Permanent]
If you know what's their TH LMK, this is their art 1, User ID 467196897648443404
Reason: Promised updates then backed out when ask to show.

20. Michi_Draw [Permanent]
Reason: Ghosted me.

21. CultKidz/DinoSpritez [Permanent]
Reason: Ignored me and ghosted me.

22. beautifullyInsane [Permanent]
Reason: Cancelled as soon as an update was asked for.

23. Bicuspids [Permanent]
Reason: Was told they forgot about the art yet still promised to complete it, I've waited patiently for some sort of update, more promises to complete it while I was asking after two more weeks for some update or sketch or anything they backed out.

Personal Reasons

Not be working with them nor want to be accossiated with them, they make me uncomfortable:
cattyrunes [Permanent]
softbabyhrz [Permanent]
saltiest-sailor [Permanent]
zrayUH [Permanent]
calicohoney [Permanent]
roundhound [Permanent]
Werekitto / TooManyT33th [Permanent]
abrakadaver" [Permanent]
Gumi_Lupie [Permanent]
Dust-Bunny27 [Permanent]
Toxicc [Permanent!!]
WillBeRedeemed / WillBeRegifted / candlewaxx / WillBeRegressed (and any alt account of this user) [Permanent]
Teevz [Permanent]
VampiiBunz [Permanent]

1. Table / Google [Permanent]
Reason: Both are toxic and make me extremely uncomfortable.

2. LazyLaramie [Permanent!!!]
Reason: They pretended to be better than me, basically told me my art is not worth as much as theirs and put themselves on a high stool. Absolutely disgusting, do not let any of my adopts nor art reach them!

3. CallistoMoonWolf [Permanent]
Reason: Just rude, I don't tolorate that.

4. Owl_ink [Permanent]
Reason: Trying to sell character above the original price with no additional art. They were also rude to me for not fixing something after commission was completed.

5. Neonbeetle [Permanent]
Reason: Ignored all warnings(profile + character), ignored everything I wrote, went out of their way to offer on OCs. I do not tolerate this behaviour.

6. Reason: Draws babyfur fetish art, and retaliated when I asked them not to show it on my SFW account. I don't like it, it's a fetish/kink, don't get it close to me.

7. EarlyEJ [Permanent]
Reason: Draws babyfur fetish art and when I said I don't like it they started arguing with me. I don't like it, it's a fetish/kink, don't get it close to me.

8. CaptainKit / eightbitkingdom AND Consillationz / SilhouettedStar (Partners) [Permanent forever]
Reason: I'm not interested in doing business with them, nor do I want to be associated with them, atrocious service and horrible treatment. Discriminated by them for being Israeli and supporting my country for asking for return of hostages and informing about October 7th massacre.

9. Blo0dyTeeth [Permanent]
Reason: Rude, tried to tell me how to price my art/designs.

10 BUNKlNS/Bunny_B1ts, their partner and anyone associated with them [Permanent]
Reason: Anyone who supports the call-out central duo are not allowed on my page and should very much DNI.

11. wormby[Permanent]
Reason: Anyone who accossiated with them DNI.

12. RiotLizard[Permanent]
Reason: Ghosted/Ignored me and refused to let me trade an adopt they traded to me for no reason other than being malicious!

13. hsleepyxen[Permanent]
Reason: Kept grading my designs and referring to them in quality after repeatedly asked not to.

14. Vampire_solmon[Permanent]
Reason: Very rude person! I asked them to not offer since they don't want replies to their offers and they acted out.

15. caspere[Semi-Permanent]
Reason: I don't feel comfortable with them owning my designs. When I BOUGHT something from them they told me just after I bought that I couldn't sell it myself and changes their TOS on me. They did not have a TOS with that information prior to me even asking about it which is super fishy / icky.

16. Kms_blueberry[Permanent]
Reason: Fails to treat me with respect for my time, keeps leading me on, refuses to answer DMs despite the fact I am waiting for art from them.

17. TYTOBITEZ[Permanent]
Reason: They make me uncomfortable.

18. Azry [Permanent]
Reason: They made me uncomfortable from previous interactions, passive aggressively treated me instead of actually replying to me like a normal person.

19. HeyItsSoup [Permanent]
Reason: Refused to read TOS, wanted to trade one OC for a rediculous amount of mine even tho I agreed to one, was extremely rude and stuck up for some reason by exclaiming that they were so glad they didn't trade with me??
I'd suggest avoiding this user.

20. StrawbabyGutz [Permanent]
Reason: Had a not very nice interaction with them. Would rather avoid them.

Other / TOS violations

1. Theacidrain / TheToxicArtitst / FCP* (Dashes between the words)
Reason: Acting very suspicious when selling their adopts, don't trust them.

+ Littie-Birb
+N3CR0NUK3 / archangel
+Anyone else that is blocked
Reason: Blocked users.

3. [Raffle accounts]
I just don't allow raffle accounts, if all your OCs are free and you don't have any designs you purchased or created and you only fav raffles, you're a raffle account.
+FrappeFox / Hawle

4. Jax_15
Reason: Kept refusing to change permissions on a character I BOUGHT. Wasn't planning to even sell it I just asked for a simple permission change on TH.

5. Hannathefurry
Reason: Offered on an adopt then 5 minutes later DMd me to ask why am I ignoring them? Really weird user and made me uncomfortable.

6. Sent my designs to an a "design shelter" which is against TOS.

7. CrimsonCorner
Reason: Puts my designs in "quality" tiers, which is against TOS.

8. deme
Reason: Didn't read TOS linked in all the characters they wanted, offered 1 artwork for 7 characters, which is really disrespectful.

9. Pickled_teef
Reason: Traded a FREE character without adding artworks to it, as per my tos + note in ownership.


1. Clawdius_Artist78 [Permanent]
Reason: Claimed I scammed them after agreeing to trade an adopt.

2. AkibaruTheFluff [Permanent]
Reason: Blocked, thief, overall shady.

3. k1ngpidgeon [Permanent!!!]
Reason: They trace characters and artworks. Please beware of them!!

OG artwork
Traced Artwork

4. PupperWoofer [Permanent!!!]
Reason: They look for free characters only to deleted from ToyHouse. DO NOT under any circumstances gift, donate, sell or trade any of my designs to this user! Any designs this person gave to anyone that were made by me are considered STOLEN!

5. kimekoneko05/iisa [Permanent!!!]
Reason: Uploaded a free artwork of an oc fusion as a character and got profit. Was not given permission nor contacted me prior to uploading. Artwork was edited and uncredited.

ToyHouse Bulleting with explanation
Twitter post of the artwork
Characters profile prior to taking down

6. CrayonandHedgehogs[Permanent!]
Reason: Deletes characters off ToyHouse, DO NOT TRANSFER ANY OF MY DESIGNS TO THEM!

7. WH1T3N01SE[Permanent!]
Reason: They will offer on your OCs, make you wait and then block you. I suggest avoiding this user's offers at any cost to save you the headache.

8. thesinsofthefather[Permanent!]
Reason: Antisemetic. Saw I had a Jewish symbol in my bio and were nasty to me.

9. leosart [Permanent]
Reason: Blocked me after I posted that I stand against Antisemitism and shared my experience. I really don't feel comfortable with antisemites, considering I am Jewish.